When the dog days of summer arrive, air conditioners really get to work—and that means higher utility bills to stay cool. However, there are some easy energy-saving tips that can help you stay comfortable and put a few extra bucks in your pocket. For starters, raise your thermostat by two degrees above its normal setting. When you’re away from the house at work or on vacation, set the thermostat to 80 degrees and lower it when you return. Use ceiling fans to help cool down rooms, as they use about as much energy as a 100-watt light bulb.Another way to save energy is to have your air conditioner inspected and tuned-up at the beginning of summer. Presidential Heating & Air Conditioning of Gaithersburg can help keep your HVAC system running at peak performance all year long. Contact us online or call us at (301) 719-3315 to schedule AC service in Gaithersburg.