How To Protect Yourself From Pollen This Spring

Presidential Heating & Air Conditioning

Gaithersburg HVAC Contractors


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What Exactly Is Pollen?

Learn how to protect yourself from pollen this spring and eliminate what has found its way into your home.Pollen is the powder, consisting of plant microspores, that is produced by the male part of plants, called the stamen. The pollen carries the plant’s male reproductive cells. It commonly travels by wind, insects, or birds, from the stamen to the female part of a plant, called the pistil, allowing the plant to produce seeds.

Some plants produce very lightweight pollen which is easily dispersed by the wind. The pollen from these plants (trees, grasses, and weeds) is the most common causes of pollen allergies. Trees pollinate in the late winter and spring, and grasses pollinate in the late spring and summer. Ragweed and other weeds tend to pollinate in the late summer and in the fall. Ragweed is the cause of 75 percent of all pollen allergies.

Effects Of Pollen On Your Body

When the plants release their pollen, millions of pollen spores become airborne. It covers every outdoor surface and clings to your clothes, skin, and hair. When pollen is inhaled, your body forms mucus around the particles and transports them down your throat to be swallowed up or coughed out.

Many allergy-prone people react with sneezing, nasal congestion, and irritated eyes and throat. These reactions are due to your body’s histamine production, which dilates small blood vessels in the nose and makes the nasal passages swell and feel congested.

Seasonal allergy symptoms can become chronic and even turn into more serious respiratory diseases like asthma. Annoying symptoms of sneezing and irritated eyes and throat can become serious coughing, wheezing with difficulty breathing. Seasonal allergies cause bronchial passages to constrict, produce too much mucus, and irritate the bronchial tubes leading to infection. If you find it difficult to breathe or develop a fever, seek immediate medical attention.

How Can You Protect Yourself Against Pollen Exposure?

Avoiding pollen ingestion completely is difficult during the pollen season. Staying indoors with the windows and doors closed, especially on windy days can help you minimize your exposure. In the warmer months, staying indoors and keeping comfortable means running your air conditioner. You can make sure the pollen levels inside your home stay low by following these recommendations:

HVAC filter that is extremely dirty and filled with pollen1. Change your air filters frequently. Most manufacturers of basic 1 to 3-inch filters recommend replacing them every 30 to 60 days. If you are prone to light to moderate allergies, you could benefit from a stronger air filter or changing more frequently, perhaps every 20 to 45 days. Clean air filters mean cleaner air inside your home.

2. Use an air filter designed to filter pollen allergens. The primary purpose of an air filter is to protect your HVAC system. A basic low-cost air filter filters out the largest particulates and dust.

There are high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) air filters that not only filter our dust, but pet dander, some bacteria, mold, and pollen as well. Be aware, however, that some HVAC systems cannot endure the additional burden those filters place on them, and they will cause the system to operate as inefficiently as a dirty filter. Before you install a higher strength filter, make sure it is appropriate for system.

Air Purifiers take air filtration to another level. An air purification system attracts and kills allergens, viruses, bacteria, and mold. They can work in conjunction with your filter or can include a media filter as part of its design. Indoor Air Quality Services provides further information regarding various filters and air quality products.

3. Have the duct work in your home cleaned. Pollen, mold, and other allergens can accumulate in your duct work. Having it professionally cleaned will reduce the amount of particulate in the air and improve the air quality inside your home. Presidential Heating & Air Conditioning can recommend a trusted professional.

4. Vacuum, mop, and dust the surfaces in your home more frequently during pollen seasons. Making the extra effort to clean your floors and furniture surfaces more often, will reduce the amount of pollen floating in the air. If you are particularly sensitive, wear a dust mask to limit the allergens you inhale. Consider purchasing a vacuum cleaner that uses a HEPA filter to reduce dust from piling up in your duct work.

5. Wash clothes frequently and dry them indoors. Laundering clothes immediately after coming indoors will keep the pollen levels lower.

6. Shower and shampoo frequently. Wash the pollen out of your hair and off of your skin before you go to bed.

7. Don’t forget the pets. Pollen will cling to pet hair just like it clings to every other surface. Use a damp cloth to wipe your pets down when they come inside.

Consult An Experienced HVAC Technician For Advice

HVAC contractor performing duct work cleaning in a person's homeSchedule an appointment with an experienced HVAC contractor to inspect your system and provide advice on additional steps you can take to keep pollen outdoors. Presidential Heating & Air Conditioning has been helping families in Montgomery County, MD and the Washington, DC area since 1982.

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